Our objective is to consistently reduce the environmental impact on all our operations and as such we shall review all our policies, services and activities and act wherever necessary to meet this commitment.
We shall seek to promote the conservation and sustainable use of natural resources and to minimise environmental pollution in all of our own activities and, where possible, by our influence over others within the industry.
Consideration will be given to the substitution of polluting substances with “greener” alternatives wherever possible. Steps will be taken to minimise smoke, dust, noise, and vibration nuisance – the potential for which will be identified during the assessment process.
Where we are responsible or in instances where our client specifically requests, we will remove all waste-disposal. This will be carried out by the registered carriers and removed to registered disposal sites. Documentation shall be held to demonstrate compliance with this objective and wherever possible waste shall be recycled, reclaimed or reused.
Liquid pollutants will not be allowed to enter water sources. This will require the specific instruction to control identified pollution risks. All liquid storage will be bundled wherever there is a risk.
This policy shall apply to all office functions, company travel and design functions as well as on site construction functions.